Need information about Carver E&S? Check out the school website HERE.
Hogan's YouTube Channel has LOTS of math help...check it out HERE.
Current Course Syllabi
(with linked videos, notes, assignments, and exam reviews)
Who am I?
Hi, I'm Hogan...or Ms. Hogan...or Hoag...or The Hoganator...or Hoagie Bear...etc
I teach math at a special admissions high school in Philadelphia, PA
I LOVE whoa.
I am fortunate to teach phenomenal young people stuff and things
I run a flipped classroom so that you can watch lessons as "homework" and then we can work on problems together in class.
I have a super awesome family and I write word problems about them often.
I talk about math in terms of t-rex, Godzilla, zombies, velociraptors, and the dreaded zombie velociraptors A LOT.
I don't talk quickly, you listen slowly. Now that my lessons are videos, you can pause me, rewatch examples, etc. Don't'll learn to listen faster soon too.
The trick to being good at math is learning the basics and learning how to use those basics to logically work through more complicated problems. The good news? The basics are most def manageable. No worries.
I teach math at a special admissions high school in Philadelphia, PA
I LOVE whoa.
I am fortunate to teach phenomenal young people stuff and things
I run a flipped classroom so that you can watch lessons as "homework" and then we can work on problems together in class.
I have a super awesome family and I write word problems about them often.
I talk about math in terms of t-rex, Godzilla, zombies, velociraptors, and the dreaded zombie velociraptors A LOT.
I don't talk quickly, you listen slowly. Now that my lessons are videos, you can pause me, rewatch examples, etc. Don't'll learn to listen faster soon too.
The trick to being good at math is learning the basics and learning how to use those basics to logically work through more complicated problems. The good news? The basics are most def manageable. No worries.