Precalculus Video Lessons: Video Lessons are linked below.
Chapter 4: Trigonometry (Chapter 4 Playlist)
4.2 -- Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle DAY 1 VIDEO 1
4.4 -- Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle VIDEO 1
Chapter 5: Analytic Trigonometry (Chapter 5 Playlist)
5.1 -- Using Fundamental Identities VIDEO 1
Chapter 6 and Partial Fractions: Oblique Triangle Trigonometry and Vectors (Chapter 6/PF Playlist)
NOTE: This were the first pandemic recordings (March 2020) so they are by far the lowest quality videos and each video is one example generally. Lots of short videos.
6.1 -- Law of Sines VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, and VIDEO 10
6.3 -- Vectors in the Plane VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, VIDEO 10, VIDEO 11, VIDEO 12, VIDEO 13, VIDEO 14, VIDEO 15, VIDEO 16, and VIDEO 17
6.4 -- Vectors and Dot Products VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, and VIDEO 9
6.5 -- Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, and VIDEO 6
2.7 -- Partial Fraction Decomposition VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, and VIDEO 10
Chapter 9: Sequences, Series, and Probability (Chapter 9 Playlist)
NOTE: This were the first pandemic recordings (March 2020) so they are by far the lowest quality videos and each video is one example generally. Lots of short videos.
9.1 -- Sequences and Series VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, VIDEO 10, VIDEO 11, VIDEO 12, and VIDEO 13
9.2 -- Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, and VIDEO 7
9.4 -- Proofs by Mathematical Induction VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, and VIDEO 7
9.6 -- Counting Principles VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, and VIDEO 8
9.7 -- Probability VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, VIDEO 10, and VIDEO 11
Chapter 10: Conic Sections, Parametric, and Polar (Chapter 10 Playlist)
NOTE: This were the first pandemic recordings (March 2020) so they are by far the lowest quality videos and each video is one example generally. Lots of short videos.
10.2 -- Parabolae and Circles VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, and VIDEO 10
10.3 -- Ellipses VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, and VIDEO 9
10.4 -- Hyperbolae VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, VIDEO 10, VIDEO 11, VIDEO 12, VIDEO 13, and VIDEO 14
10.7 -- Polar Coordinates VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7, VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9, VIDEO 10, VIDEO 11, and VIDEO 12
10.8 -- Graphs of Polar Equations VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5, VIDEO 6, and VIDEO 7
Intro to Calculus (ITC Playlist and ITC Packet)
NOTE: This were the first pandemic recordings (March 2020) so they are by far the lowest quality videos and each video is one example generally. Lots of short videos.
ITC3 -- Difference Quotients and the Limit Definition of the Derivative VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, and VIDEO 3
ITC6 -- Derivatives with the Quotient Rule VIDEO 1
ITC8 -- Derivatives with the Chain Rule and Derivative of e^x VIDEO 1